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  • Venture Tulsa

Tulsa in Black & White - The people that make Tulsa, OK.

Updated: Nov 7, 2019

Start simple. What makes a city..

The buildings? Maybe.

The cost of living? If you're into that.

The PEOPLE. Yes.

The attitude of a city is dependent on the people serving in it, walking through it and adventuring every aspect of it. Those people are you and your people. So what makes you stand out?

From our perspective, Tulsa is great because of the instant warmth that explodes out of each and every person in it. Their willingness to help and their genuine interest in new connection's lives brings southern charm into a soon-to-be-big city in Western Oklahoma.

Tulsans are looking for a way to put their quaint city on the map and it is slowly growing. However, what we are confident will remain is the positive vibe that people in Tulsa exude.

T.U.L.S.A.N.S. are:








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