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  • Venture Tulsa

Tulsa in Black & White - The Simple Things that Make it Great

Updated: Nov 8, 2019

We all love the new, the extravagant, the exiting. We search for it around every corner to fuel an ever constant desire to be entertained. We'll look high and low and pay excessively for an event or venue that can keep our attention preoccupied for an evening. We think the bigger, the more expensive, and the more up to date - the better, right?

Well maybe not. Sometimes the classics hit home for us in a way that other things can not. The simplicity and the history that a place can offer adds living character to the environment around us. Tulsa is rich with culture and history that are waiting, eager to entertain us.

In this series: "Tulsa In Black and White", we are eager to unveil some of Tulsa's quaintest hidden treasures. We will be exploring the simpleness but fullness that Tulsa has to offer. The simple things that make Tulsa great.

We hope that taking a step back and appreciating the things around us is as much fun for you as it has been for us at Venture Tulsa. We hope you to look at this amazing city in with an even deeper appreciation than before. One way we believe that this can be done is through art - the art of literature.

Reading can take you places you have never been - and can cause you to look at where you are at in a whole new light. We are providing you with three of our favorite book stores in Tulsa to sneak away to and escape. If you go once, you might not be able to stop going back.

Venture Tulsa's Top 3 Bookstore Picks:

- Magic City Books

- Whitty Books

- The Frugal Bookworm

We have found these 3 places to be tried and true. Just like the novels they sell. We recommend trying them all and seeing which style suits you best. Grab a friend, or go alone. But take a day to enjoy on of Tulsa's simplest, but finest pleasures.

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