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  • Venture Tulsa

Top Three Places to Visit in Tulsa, OK

If you and your friends are seeking adventure in the heart of Tulsa, then you have come to the right place! Tulsa is home to many different museums, parks, and landmarks, but I am going to show you three destinations that should be at the top of your list.

FIRST UP: The Gathering Place

Located on Riverside and spanning over 100-acres, this public park offers guests a one-of-a-kind experience with playgrounds, gardens, trails, boat rentals, restaurants, and so much more! One of my favorite spots at the Gathering Place is the open-air pavilion on top of the ONEOK Boathouse (pictured to the left). This pavilion offers a great view of the park and downtown Tulsa and also serves as a platform for the Vista restaurant. Beneath the pavilion is a dock where guests can rent paddle boats, canoes, and kayaks to explore Peggy's Pond! Also, make sure to stop by the Redbud Cafe for some quality coffee!

For more info on hours and events, visit the Gathering Place website:

NEXT UP: Philbrook Museum of Arts

Housed in an Italian style visa, this museum not only offers numerous exhibits of art from European, American, Asian, Native American, and African artists but also expansive lush gardens. Throughout the year, the Philbrook Museum hosts many events from Friday Night Yoga in the gardens to curator shows. My personal favorite was the Garden Highlights Tour! One of the gardens at the Philbrook Museum, named Victory Garden, serves an amazing purpose: this garden grows an abundance of herbs and produce! While some of this produce is incorporated in the dishes at the Philbrook Museums restaurant, Kitchen 27, the rest is donated the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoman and Food on the Move!

For more info on hours and events, visit the Philbrook Museum of Arts website:


Located in the heart of downtown Tulsa, The Boxyard is an outdoor shopping center offering an electric experience with a mixture of local shops and restaurants that are constructed of shipping containers! Here, you can grab some Mexican cuisine from Saboras then walk upstairs for an ice cream from Rose Rock Microcreamery (I recommend trying the lavender honey flavor, pictured in the bottom right). In need of a spa day? Black Med Spa offers various services that can enhance your natural image with the latest skin treatments. If you are looking for an at home spa day with customized bath products, then Urban Bath & Body Co. has got you covered!

For more info on house and shops, visit the Boxyard website:

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